DCCS Papers

These are papers relevant to the DCCS project (Behavior Trees). For a full list of all my papers, go to this page.

Journal Papers
  1. Lindsay, P.A., Yatapanage, N. and Winter, K. Cut Set Analysis using Behavior Trees and Model Checking, Formal Aspects of Computing. 24(2):249-266. (2012). Download from Springer. See the model checking results.

  2. Grunske, L., Winter, K., Yatapanage, N., Zafar, S. and Lindsay, P.A. Experience with Fault Injection Experiments for FMEA, Journal of Software: Practice and Experience. 41(11):1233-1258. (2011). Download from Wiley. See the tech reports and model checking results.

  3. Grunske, L., Winter, K. and Yatapanage, N. Defining the Abstract Syntax of Visual Languages with Advanced Graph Grammars - A Case Study Based on Behavior Trees, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. 19(3):343-379. (2008). Download from ScienceDirect.
Conference Papers
  1. Lindsay, P., Winter, K. and Yatapanage, N. Safety Assessment Using Behavior Trees and Model Checking, 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2010), Proceedings. IEEE Computer Society, pp.181-190, 2010. Download from IEEE

  2. Zafar, S., Colvin, R., Winter, K., Yatapanage, N. and Dromey, G. Early Validation and Verification of a Distributed Role-Based Access Control Model, 14th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2007), Proceedings. Download from IEEE

  3. Wen, L., Lin, K., Colvin, R., Seagrott, J., Yatapanage, N. and Dromey, G. Integrare- a Collaborative Environment for Behavior-Oriented Design, Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering 4th International Conference (CDVE 2007), Proceedings, LNCS. Springer-Verlag, Vol.4674, pp.122-131, 2007.Download from Springer

  4. Grunske, L., Lindsay, P., Yatapanage, N. and Winter, K. An Automated Failure Mode and Effect Analysis based on High-Level Design Specification with Behavior Trees, Integrated Formal Methods: 5th International Conference (IFM 2005), Proceedings. LNCS. Springer-Verlag, Vol.3771, pp.129-149, 2005. Download from Springer

  1. Powerpoint slideshow: Building Dependable Systems (Behavior Trees), Download from the ACCS website.

  2. Powerpoint slideshow: Checking Fault Tolerance in Safety and Security-Critical Systems, Download from the ACCS website.