Concurrency Papers

These are papers relevant to concurrency research. For a full list of all my papers, go to this page.

Conference Papers
  1. Jones, C. B., Velykis, A. and Yatapanage, N. General Lessons from a Rely/Guarantee Development, International Symposium on Dependable Software Enginering: Theories, Tools and Applications (SETTA 2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.10606, pp.3-22, Springer-Verlag, 2017. Download from Springer.

  2. Jones, C.B. and Yatapanage, N. Reasoning about Separation using Abstraction and Reification, SEFM 2015, Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Vol.9276, To Appear. 2015. View technical report version.

Tech Reports
  1. Jones, C. B. and Yatapanage, N. Investigating the Limits of Rely/Guarantee Conditions Based on a Concurrent Garbage Collecter Example, Newcastle University Department of Computing Science Technical Report, No. CS-TR-1521, 27th June 2018. Download from Newcastle Uni.

  2. Jones, C. B. and Yatapanage, N. Reasoning about Separation using Abstraction and Reification (with proofs), Newcastle University Department of Computing Science Technical Report, No. CS-TR-1472, June 2015. Download from Newcastle Uni.

  3. Jones, C. B. and Yatapanage, N. Tackling Separation via Abstraction (with proofs), Newcastle University Department of Computing Science Technical Report, No. CS-TR-1447, Jan 2015, Download from Newcastle Uni.
  1. Seminar: Separation as Abstraction, York Concurrency Workshop, 2014. View the slides.